7 Tideview Drive, Dover, NH News

(UNOFFICIAL Site for the Owners and Residents)

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this site does not represent the opinions/positions of either the Tideview Estates Condominium Association or the Evergreen-Harvard Group.  Documents/information provided here represents that which is publicly available and is included solely for the benefit and convenience of owners and residents.  All "official" inquiries or requests must be presented to/through the Evergreen-Harvard Group.

Recommended Contractor to Maintain/Repair Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems:
LHR Fire Protection, Raymond, NH -- (603) 309-2032 --
LHR Fire Protection - Home (lhrfp.com)

This years Community Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023.    

** RAIN Date = October 1st **

 The hours are 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. 

Letter from the Dover Fire Department regarding use of grills and barbeques: City of Dover GRILL Notice (April 2023)
Availabilty of paint for garage and front doors: Tideview HOA Approved Paint Colors (March 2023)
The Association just announced that the insurance deductible will double from $5K to $10K effective July 22, 2023. (read letter here: Insurance Policy Change eff July 22 2023)  This is somewhat unusual considering that the current insurance contract runs through November 1, 2023. (see insurance certificate here: Insurance Certificate Nov 2022 thru 2023)

Perhaps the Association will offer an explanation for such a drastic change to the owners (and publish an amended insurance certificate.)

UPDATE: The Insurance Certificate has been updated to reflect the new deductible amount (see here: Insurance Certificate Nov 2022 thru Nov 2023 Amended.)  Owners are still waiting to hear why the terms of the insurance policy were changed partially through the insurance period and whether a reduction in the insurance premium accompanied the change.

April 19, 2023:  "Official" copies of the Declaration of Condominium and Bylaws that were filed with the Registry of Deeds in January were (finally) made available to the owners: TVC Declaration 1.2023 TVC Bylaws 1.2023
After months following a possibly false postings at the mail house, formal requests for clarification, Board silence, and owner/resident confusion, the "updated" Rules and Regulations have been published -- TVC Rules and Regulations 3.27.2023

March 24, 2023:  It appears that amendments to the Declaration of Condominium and ByLaws were filed with the Strafford County Registry of Deeds on January 30, 2023 and thus became effective on that date (Declaration & Bylaw Amendments OVERVIEW 2023).  Offical minutes of the voting by owners on the amendments, including the number of votes for/against, don't appear to have be published nor have final copies of the amendments themseleves (even though they may be read on the Registry of Deeds web site (or downloaded for a fee.)

March 17, 2023: The Tideview Association approved paint supplier is Sherwin Williams, and all color codes are on file with the local Dover, NH store located on Central Ave. All you have to do is call or stop in and ask for “Tideview Garage”. Using this exact title when speaking to a store associate gives them access to ALL of the Association’s approved paint colors for the TVC Community.

December 28, 2022:  2023 Approved Budget Memo

November 29, 2022:  The approved 2023 budget (2023 Approved Budget) was announced and an owners meeting scheduled for December 5, 2022 to answer questions and/or permit owners an opportunity to oppose implementation.  Monthly condo fees will increase from $210 to $220, effective January 1, 2023.

Owners should vote "NO" to the proposed changes to the Declaration of Condominium and Bylaws documents; a number of the proposed changes appear to unnecessarily reduce the rights of individual owners and increase the authority of the Board of Directors.

Transparency of Board actions might be reduced, which is of concern considering recent actions to reduce the ability of individuals to express concerns and lack of association response to queries.  Greater adherence to the State of NH Condominium Act (RSA Chapter 356-B) by the association would result in increased confidence in the their desire to serve owners and residents.

Before voting "YES", owners should take time to review the proposed changes.  Remember, failure to approve the changes now can result in another attempt later, but, if the changes are approved, the chances of getting them amended later are very, very remote.

November 2022:  Updated Insurance Certificate: Insurance Certificate Nov 2022 thru 2023

October 7, 2022.  It appears that the Tideview Estates Condominium Association "Rules and Regulations" were changed on July 16, 2022, without properly notifying the owners and residents. The only indication was that the effective date was changed on the front page of the copy hanging on the mail house wall.  Notice should have been posted on TownSq and an email sent to all owners.

A copy of the revised document will be posted here when it becomes available.

UPDATE (Oct 14, 2022): As expected, the association hadn't reacted to either a specific TownSquare posting request or in response to the related NextDoor.com discussion (even though at least one of the board members subscribes to that platform.)  As a result, a follow-up email was sent and a terse response was received indicating that the document would be added to TownSquare (without any explanation as to why it wasn't posted back in July when the document was changed.)  It was also asked that the final audit report for last year's financials (required to be provided to the owners by April 2022 by the bylaws) also be posted.  Let's see what actions follow and how long it takes. Stay tuned.

The August 22, 2022 Response to Cease and Desist Letter (see below) was as follows:


Mr. Ducharme:


I refute the allegations you made in the subject letter and deplore the ridiculous, inane threats that you made.  The three internet entities you listed are not related to my ownership/residence in the “Tideview Estate Condominium Association” complex; therefore, the use of the Association’s governing documents to support your “trademark infringement” accusations are ridiculous and totally inappropriate.


In case your arguments might have some merit, I have disabled access to the Tideview.org web server, along with the “Tideview Estates” Facebook and Twitter accounts.  I am seeking legal advice as to whether these entities violate a New Hampshire state trademark, as they are virtual and not physically located in New Hampshire.


As you suggested, it might be beneficial for the Association to make use of the Facebook, Twitter, and domain accounts to provide information for owners and residents and I would be willing to entertain any suggested collaborations. 



Last July, the Association trademarked the name "Tideview Estates Condominium Association" and, as a result, they are now demanding that the tideview.org web site (established in 2006, 16 years ago) be shut down, along with the associated Facebook and Twitter accounts. 

Their "Cease and Desist" letter  may be viewed here:
Tideview Name -- Cease and Desist.pdf

Legal positions and options are currently being explored, but I may have to disable the tideview site and the social media accounts on or about August 23rd.  After all, if it goes to court, my meager military retirement income is no match for the "deep pockets" of the association.

Make sure that you let the board members know how "proud" you are of them for the "great" job that they're doing (not!).

An updated Declaration draft has been published. These changes came out of the Declaration Informational meeting with Owners that was held on August 8, 2022. These changes are in bold on pages 4 and 6.

The next informational meeting with Attorney Ducharme to which all owners are invited is on August 18, 2022 at 5:30pm in Room 323 of the McConnell Center in Dover (across from the Public Library).

Revised Declaration DRAFT - August 2022.pdf

EDITORIAL:  The association just released a document (Read Here) attempting to explain the proposed changes to key governing documents and justify the associated $5,000 expense.  It appears to be a belated effort to gain owner support.

One of the main reasons given is to conform to existing NH statues.  This is quite ironic considering the many apparent failures to follow existing requirements (and lack of transparency) already identified on this page.

It's also important to remeber that, generally speaking, the NH statutes prevail in cases when our "old" documents are in conflict.  There is no need to change our documents.

Owners should be very cautious and ask questions before voting for any changes!

 Proposed Bylaw & Declaration Amendments Jul 14, 2022

 There will be two (2) informational meetings where the association attorney will be presenting and explaining proposed
 Bylaws and Declaration changes as well as answering questions.

Proposed Bylaw and Declaration Updates Notice 8.9.22

 The Declaration Meeting is:

 Monday:  August 8, 2022:  5:30pm - 7:30pm in room 323 at the McConnell Center

 The Bylaws Meeting is:
 Thursday:  August 18, 2022:  5:30pm - 7:30pm  Location TBD (may be a virtual meeting)

The Tideview Estates Proposed Bylaws and Declaration Amendments (drafts) and an explanatory memo are available:

 Proposed Changes Memo (May 21, 2022)

 Proposed Declaration DRAFT - May 2022

 Proposed Bylaws DRAFT - May 2022

NOTE:  An associated meeting on July 13th had to be rescheduled because only six owners were present (including four board members), because of the late notification going out to all the owners (only two days in advance), and the failure of the association to present all owners with a copy of the proposed changes well enough in advance.  This should illustrate to everyone why New Hampshire statutes require at least 10 days advance notice to owners, accompanied by a firm agenda and availability of all meeting materials.  The meeting format was based on the owners having an opportunity to throughly review the changes well in advance and then questioning the attorney as to the reasoning behind the changes and why other changes might have been omitted.

Eversource (PSNH) High Voltage Transmission Line Tree Removal (2022)

It seems that the number of trees along the southern border of Tideview property (abutting the Garrison School and park) will be reduced within the next several months or so.  It appears that Eversource has decided to clear trees from their entire 150' wide easement instead of only those trees deemed to pose a more immediate threat.  The trees by our mail house are also probably affected.  The right-of-way/easement plan (see here) illustrates the extent of our property which might be cleared.  You may want to note that our property and the easement extend beyond the chain-link fence, which belongs to us.
Hopefully, Eversource will communicate details with each owner or, failing that, with the property manager or Association, who must pass the information onto the owners.

2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

2022 Annual Meeting Minutes (Draft)

Replacement Front Door Specifications: TVC Entry Door Specs 6.9.22 (Updated June 10, 2022)

Update (May 4, 2022):  The Association admits that they've been operating for at least 3 years (and possibly as much as 7 years) without a reserve account analysis.

This means that the money deposited in the reserve account is done so with no real idea as to whether or not it's adequate for properly maintaining the association's assets.  There is also no valid schedule/plan for replacing/repairing our assets (roofs, roads, sewage station components, etc.)

Each year an operating budget is presented to the owners for approval that contains a significant contribution to the reserve account; however, the question now arises as to how the amount has been determined without there being a reserve plan.

Owners must make their concerns known.

Reason for concern?

The availability of key association financial reports continues to be an issue. It is difficult, if not impossible, to get timely copies of monthly income statements and balance sheets, the current reserve/replacement account analysis, the loan amortization schedule, and financial audit reports.

 Board members have a fiduciary responsibility to properly manage the association's funds and, it may be argued, to keep the other owners properly informed.

Lack of timely dissemination of "standard" condominium association reports may result in suspicion that the board is attempting to "hide" information from the owners.

 Owners must make their concerns known.

Most recently published Reserve/Replacement Account Analysis/schedule:

Reserve Analysis (thru Oct 2019)

(It's obviously time for an update to be made available.)

Association Insurance Certificate Nov 2021 thru Nov 2022

Siding Project Amortization Schedule (Revised)

It appears that the Siding Project loan has been restructured (effective April 2021?) and the details not conveyed in writing to all the owners.  A link to an estimated, "best guess" amortization schedule is provided above.

Based on the latest (August 2022) published financial documents, it appears that the interest has been reduced from 4.87% to 4.26% and the monthly payments reduced from $4,226 to $2,724.  The net result is that the loan will be paid off in September 2026 -- two years later than planned!

Even though the interest rate is reduced, the Association will end up paying about
$6K more in interest (and associated state business taxes)!

If incorrect assumptions have been made here (because of the very, very limited and dated information provided to the owners), a detailed explanation of the current loan arrangements and an updated amortization schedule should be provided to all the owners.  Interested/concerned owners should seek more information.

Latest (June 2021) copy of Rules and Regulations:  TVC Rules and Regulations 6.18.21

2022 End of Windows/Doors Program Notice

2021 Windows/Doors Program Pricing:
TVC 2021 Door Window Pricing

2019 Financial Audit/Review Report

2020 Financial Audit/Review Report

Maintenance-After-hour Emergencies: 603-622-7000
(Warning:  Emergency Calls may result in a $100 fee being charged to the unit owner -- Chargeback Changes -- Effective Mar 1, 2022)

Association Manager: Tobin Waterson
Email: TWatterson@evergreenmgt.com
Phone: (603)418-7228

Association Administrator: Brooke LaCroix
Email: BLaCroix@evergreenmgt.com
Phone: (603)945-3778

Maintenance Coordinator: Linda Malbon
Email: LMalbon@evergreenmgt.com
Phone: (603)418-7419

Accounts Receivable Coordinator: Lauri Young
Email: LYoung@evergreenmgt.com
Phone: (603)782-7682

TownSq App and Website
Contact Linda Cyr at LCyr@evergreenmgt.com
Mobile app at

The release to the owners of the audit report of the yearly financials is required by April of the following year by the governing documents.

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting.


In order to comply with NH condominium law, the time, date, location, and agenda must be provided at least 10 days before the meeting date and the meeting materials provided to the board must also be made available to the owners at the same time the board receives them.

The NH Condominium Act (RSA 356-B)


The act/law mandates the following:

356-B:37-c Meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Association. –

The following requirements apply to meetings of the board of directors and committees of the association authorized to act for the association:

I. For purposes of this section, a gathering of board members at which the board members do not conduct association business is not a meeting of the board of directors. The board of directors and its members may not use incidental or social gatherings of board members or any other method to evade the open meeting requirements of this section.

II. Not less than once each quarter, and at such additional times as may be specified in the condominium bylaws, the board of directors shall, subject to the provisions of RSA 356-B:37-d, hold an open regular meeting during which unit owners shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to comment on any matter affecting the association. At its discretion, the board of directors may meet in a meeting not open to unit owners provided the meeting is recorded and the recording is made available to unit owners for up to 30 days upon request.

III. Unless the meeting is included in a schedule given to the unit owners or the meeting is called to deal with an emergency, the secretary or other officer specified in the bylaws shall give notice of each meeting of the board of directors to each board member and to the unit owners. The notice shall be given at least 10 days before the meeting and shall state the time, date, place, and agenda of the meeting.

IV. If any materials are distributed to the board of directors before the meeting, the board of directors at the same time shall make copies of those materials reasonably available to unit owners, except that the board of directors need not make available copies of unapproved minutes or matters that are to be considered in executive session.

V. In the case of self-managed community associations, meetings of the board of directors or committees expressly for purposes of implementation of decisions made in open meetings shall be exempt from the requirements of RSA 356-B:37, 356-B:37-a, and this section.

Latest Community Information Notice (CIN) -- October 2019

Financial Reports are now being made available on TownSq.  They should be posted on or about the 10th of each month; if they aren't, concerned owners should contact the property manager and/or a board member. (October, 18, 2019)

Association Liability Insurance

The association's current insurance policy expires on November 1st of each year; owners should expect to receive a formal notification regarding renewal or a new policy.  Included in that notification -- as required by law (see extract below) -- must be a specific reference to any changes (premiums, deductibles, coverage, etc.) from the current policies:

356-B:43 Insurance. –

I. The condominium instruments shall require the unit owners' association, or the board of directors or managing agent on behalf of such association, to obtain:

(a) A master casualty policy affording fire and extended coverage in an amount equal to the full replacement value of the structures within the condominium, or of such structures that in whole or in part comprise portions of the common areas;

(b) A master liability policy, in an amount specified by the condominium instruments, covering the unit owners' association, the board of directors, if any, the managing agent, if any, all persons acting or who may come to act as agents or employees of any of the foregoing with respect to the condominium, and all unit owners and other persons entitled to occupy any unit or other portion of the condominium; and

(c) Such other policies as may be required by the condominium instruments, including, without limitation, workers' compensation insurance, liability insurance on motor vehicles owned by the association, and specialized policies covering lands or improvements in which the unit owners' association has or shares ownership or other rights.

II. When any policy of insurance has been obtained by or on behalf of the unit owners' association, written notice of the obtainment thereof and of any subsequent changes therein or termination thereof shall be promptly furnished to each unit owner by the officer required to send notices of meetings of the unit owners' association. Such notices shall be sent in accordance with RSA 356-B:37-a.

III. Unless the unit owners vote to terminate the condominium under RSA 356-B:34, the proceeds of the master casualty policy shall be used to repair, replace or restore the structure or common area damaged by casualty.

Snow Removal Procedures


Salted sand available to residents


The city provides residents of Dover free salted sand, located at the intersection of Piscataqua and Drew roads.

Residents must bring their own supplies, such as buckets, bags and shovels.

Please note that when temperatures are below freezing, the pile can harden and be more difficult to work with.

For more information, contact Community Services at 516-6450.

Monthly assessments (condo fees) increase from $200 to $210 effective January 1, 2019

The rules and regulations have been amended to permit use of window-type air conditioners in the small bedroom, subject to certain requirements and restrictions.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017  Front door keys recently provided by owners have been placed within the Knox Box at the mail house for use by the Dover Fire Department.  In an emergency, personnel will be able to quickly gain entry into affected units without having to use damaging forcible entry techniques.

Any other owners desiring to have their front door key(s) placed in the box should contact the fire department and request an appointment for a representative to meet them at the mail house, open the box, and place their key(s) inside.

The insurance deductible for water damage has been increased from $5,000 to $10,000 effective immediately!  Owners are encouraged to ensure that their homeowner's insurance policy (HO-6) will cover the $10,000 deductible.

Any repainting of either the front door or the garage door should be made using the color described as "Tideview Estates Garage Door" at the Sherwin-Williams store on Central Ave. in Dover (at the North end near Weeks Crossing.)


The Association, through it's insurance, is responsible for repairs to the interior of units due to water damage -- no matter what the source of that water.  However, payment of the Association's insurance deductible for Water/Ice damage (currently $10,000/unit) is the responsibility of the owner(s) of the unit(s) suffering the damage.  Owner's homeowner/condominium (HO-6) insurance policies will cover the deductible.  The rules are as follows:


1.  If the damage is less than or equal to $10,000 (the Association's insurance deductible), the owner is financially responsible for all repairs.  Normally, the owner pays their HO-6 deductible and their insurance covers the rest.  However, If they don't have insurance, then they pay for all repairs out-of-pocket.


2.  If the damage is greater than $10,000, then the owner (and their insurance) is responsible for the first $10,000 and the Association's insurance is responsible for the balance.


Remember, water damage repair coverage is essentially "no fault."  It doesn't matter where the water came from; the owner(s) of the unit(s) suffering the damage is responsible for paying the Association's insurance deductible for damage repairs.


Note:  The deductible for insurable events other than Water/Ice is $5,000 per incident(see below).


Note:  If the source of the water is classified as a "flood", then the deductible is $25,000.

Grills and Barbeques must not be operated within fifteen feet of units.  Damage to Association buildings or fences will be the financial responsibility of the unit owner.  In addition, if the City of Dover gets involved, the unit owner is subject to cost reimbursement fees and/or fines.

Dover Fire Department Letter -- May 2011

Reminder:  Your condo/homeowners HO-6 policy need only have $10K "assessment" coverage.  In the event of a loss, the association's insurance covers the building and all installed features (walls, doors, windows, cabinets, carpets, electrical and plumbing fixtures, boiler, stove, etc.)  Your insurance only needs to pay the $10K deductible.  On the other hand, you are responsible for coverage on all of your personal belongings and for loss of use.


The 'rule of thumb' is that the Association's insurance covers everything that was in your empty unit the day you moved in, before you brought in your personal belongings.  Coverage is only applicable in the event of a defined loss; routine maintenance and replacement due to wear and tear remains the owner's responsibility. 


The Association's flood insurance has a $25K deductible. 


Letter Regarding Insurance Coverage:Insurance Agent, Aug 23 2010.pdf

Tideview Estates pages on Evergreen Management Web Site: 




The Board of Directors "normally" meets the third Wednesday of every month, except for April (where it's combined with the annual owners' meeting), July, and December.


Board of Directors:
  • Christiana Arsenault
  • Sheri Garrity
  • Scott Lamothe
  • Courtney Murphy
  • Heather Wass (President) heather.tvc@gmail.com
Property Management:

The Evergreen Harvard Group
72 Portsmouth Avenue, Suite #201
Stratham, NH 03885
Ph: 603-580-5192
Fax: 603-580-5590
Management Contacts

Toby Watterson
Association Manager

Linda Malbone
Association Administrator

Lauri Young
Accounts Receivable Coordinator